Equity and Diversity at OU

The Open University is innovative, responsive and inclusive. 


As the UK’s largest university and a world leader in flexible part time-education with a mission to be open to all and a commitment to deliver ‘Greater Equity’ as a key part of our strategy. This involves delivering a coherent approach to EDI across the different spheres of the University’s work that is evidence-based, prioritised and results-focused; promotes and uses diversity, inclusion and accessibility as a positive resource; and is based on achieving equity, diversity, inclusion and accessibility by design.  

Equity, Diversity & Inclusion at the OU

In 2022 the University developed an Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Plan to implement the strategic equity goal Diversity is a crucial part of this plan as representation and inclusion in a workforce with a wide range of attributes, skills, characteristics and lived experiences brings different thoughts, voices and perspectives which are critical for the OU’s Vision, resilience and reimagination.  The plan has eight priorities: leadership and governance; culture change; staff networks; data and reporting; learning and teaching; the staff experience; the student experience; and research, scholarship and knowledge exchange.

We strive to view all behaviours, policies and practices through the lens of EDI principles, ensuring that everyone has the resources and opportunities appropriate to their needs and circumstances and feels they are included and can belong and relate to the OU. Working towards a more equitable, diverse, inclusive and accessible institution should benefit everyone and so is everyone’s responsibility. The Plan is complemented by our Equality Scheme which sets out our equality objectives and legal compliance under the Equality Act 2010.

The University has been a member of the Athena Swan Charter since 2012 and successfully renewed its institutional Bronze award in 2020 with preparation underway to apply for Silver in 2026. Currently we have four Bronze and five Silver departmental awards. We are working towards an application for the Race Equality Charter Mark in November 2025. The University holds a Disability Confident Level 1 award and is working towards level 2. The OU in Wales holds the Chwarae Teg FairPlay Employer Silver Award for the promotion of gender equality in the workplace.

Equality Scheme & Objectives

The Open University Equality Scheme 2022–2026

Our equality scheme 2022-2026 sets out how as an organisation we are committed to developing an inclusive university community.  Through our equality objectives we aim to eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation, to promote and advance equality of opportunity and to promote and foster good relations between people.

The equality scheme incorporates the following characteristics and circumstances: age, care and dependency, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, political opinion, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation.

Managing and mainstreaming equality and diversity

We manage and mainstream equality and diversity in order to meet our statutory equality duties and more by:

  • Consulting and engaging with staff
  • Developing inclusive policy
  • Developing staff
  • Influencing partners
  • Influencing providers of goods and services
  • Monitoring equality of opportunity
  • Planning and reporting performance
  • Providing accessible information and services
  • Publishing information
  • Sharing resources
  • Widening participation
  • Working with equality organisations

Pro Vice-Chancellor – Equity, Diversity & Inclusion

You will have oversight of the strategic direction for EDI and for implementing the University’s Institutional EDI and associated plans, creating an environment, which is enriched through the diversity and inclusivity of our communities and working practices.